
Getting Started


You can make a psychotherapy appointment by leaving a message on my confidential office voicemail at 707-238-4188. You may also use the secure online request form on the contact page of this website. Please be sure to let me know some good times to call you back and whether or not is ok for me to leave a message if I don’t reach you directly. I will get back to you within 2 business days.

Initial Evaluation and Consultation

Depending on your situation, our first 2-3 meetings will usually be considered an evaluation period. During this time, I will work with you to gather all of the information important to understand your reasons for starting therapy. This will also be a time for you to learn more about me and my practices, and for us to then decide together if things feel like a good fit for your needs at this time.

Standard Forms

You will need to review and complete some forms before or immediately following our first meeting. You may download the forms below, or, if you prefer, I have copies at my office I can give you during your first session. It will be important for us to discuss the information on these forms together in person, but I suggest you review them prior to our meeting and then let me know about any potential questions or concerns as we get started.

Confidential Client Information Form

Office Policies and Service Agreement Form

Billing and Insurance Forms

If you will be using Medicare or other insurance to pay for services, you will need to complete the following form prior to or during our first meeting. This form provides me with the information required to process claims through your insurance carrier:

Billing Information Form

If we agree to a private pay arrangement, you will need to complete the following form during your first visit.

Fee Agreement Form

Privacy Practices

The following HIPAA Notice describes how your personal information may be used and/or disclosed. I am required by law to provide this information to you, and your signature on the “Office Policies and Service Agreement Form” acknowledges that you have received and understand this information. If you have any questions or concerns about my privacy practices, please let me know so that we can discuss them together.

HIPAA Notification Form