
My Approach

My general style as a therapist is conversational and interactive. Depending on a client's reasons for starting therapy, I may be more or less directive in my approach to the work. Some goals are best met through learning new coping strategies or making a specific plan to change a behavior while other goals may be better addressed through a less directive and more open exploration of inner thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Some clients come to therapy to get concrete help with a very specific problem while others come with goals that are less specific and a desire to gain deeper understanding about their inner worlds. These are all excellent reasons to see a therapist, and I value the ability to practice in a way that is flexible in helping my clients achieve their unique treatment goals.

My prior training and work experience has provided me with expertise across a range of helpful therapeutic techniques. I work collaboratively with clients at the beginning of treatment to decide on an approach that is a good fit. I have extensive experience in psychodynamic, existential, and a variety of cognitive-behavioral approaches to treatment. I have been practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy for over 20 years and I am also well-versed and experienced in providing cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and chronic pain. I am a certified trainer and practitioner of Problem-Solving Therapy--a cognitive behavioral approach that research indicates is highly effective in addressing depression and anxiety in later life.

Over and above specific techniques and practices, I firmly believe that the biggest key to success in therapy is the quality of the professional relationship between client and therapist. It is important that you as the client are met with acceptance, authenticity, respect, engaged listening, genuine curiosity, and a reasonable degree of hopefulness that things can improve over time. It is my highest priority to bring these attitudes to my work with each of my clients at all times.